x media-architecture
exhibition design
Exhibition for the 10th aniversary of the MediaArchitectur program at the Bauhaus University
The exhibition celebrates the 10th birthday of the innovative program and explores the dynamic, interdisciplinary field of media and architecture. It aims to show what MediaArchitecture is today, from where it evolved and what it can be in the future. Student’s master’s theses and semester projects, insights in alumni’s working worlds and information on the history, context and main research areas form a diverse image of the field of MediaArchitecture.
A team of 11 international students from 9 countries currently enrolled in a programmes of MediaArchitecture and Product-Design curated, designed and built the exhibition, which mediates the pathway of the MediaArchitecture program at the Bauhaus University Weimar and its worldwide cooperation institutions.
The exhibition was opened for the „summaery 2015“ year show of the Bauhaus University in the main building and was running until October 2015.
tutor: Alya Grishko
student team: Lisa Pusch, Sebastian Gumhold, David Heaton, Luis Hurtarte, Sandra Huezo, David Heaton, Abraham Ornelas, Minsoo Hwang, Shubhra Bhatt, Carina Weiß
design support, construction & realisation: Roy Müller, Andreas Kamolz
funded by Kreativfonds.Bauhaus
and International Office Weimar
fotos by: Tobias Adam, Thomas Müller